District Goals


Goal 1: To Improve Student Achievement

Areas of Focus:

Goal 2: To Foster Positive Relationships and a Collaborative Working Environment with all Employees

Areas of Focus:

Goal 3: To Effectively Manage District Operations

Areas of Focus:

Goal 4: To Ensure Fiscal Transparency and Stability

Areas of Focus:

Goal 5: To Build upon the Confidence and Support of the Community

Areas of Focus:


a. A grade-level team will examine assessment tools currently used at Gilmanton School, and seek additional tools as needed for a meaningful understanding of student skills and mastery of content.

i. The Principal will meet with k-2, and 6-8

ii. The Assistant Principal will meet with grades 3-5

To create a list of currently used tools and when they are administered

iii. The Principal and the Assistant Principal will facilitate and define what specifically should be measured

iv. The teams will research and consult other schools to determine the best tools for Gilmanton School

v. The teams will meet regularly to analyze data and determine the most useful way to organize the results.

b. The administration will build capacity for teachers and teams including the Student Intervention Team (SIT). We will do this by clarifying the process for support and referrals

i. The SIT will work together to refine the process to increase use for teachers as a classroom resource to better support students with varying needs.

c. The administration, the technology teacher, and the library media specialist will assess current integration in classrooms, kindergarten through eighth grade, and design a plan that increases the frequency and depth of technology used to enhance student learning.

i. A poll will be sent to staff to get information about the current level and frequency of technology use in classrooms.

ii. A written document will be created to outline the information and create a plan for increased integration.

d. The technology teacher and the library media specialist will increase opportunities for students to enrich their STEAM thinking skills through technology class and makerspace.

a. The administration and professional staff will further analyze how we may incorporate the model of Ross Greene's behavioral approach with our students. We will use the book Lost at School and the website Lives in the Balance, to create a system of managing student behaviors in a collaborative way. This collaboration will happen with staff, students and families.

b. The staff will take the next steps with The Center for Trauma Responsive Practice Change.

c. The administration will facilitate the professional staff in a process for identifying school wide goals and expectations for student outcomes at each grade level - ie specific language, procedures, etc.

a. A team comprised of student council members, faculty, and administration will meet to create a community of caring and unity in our identity as a whole school

b. The administration will train new staff in the ALICE method of security drills and with the whole staff practice all manner of ALICE drills using an updated model from 2018.

c. Gilmanton School administration and the superintendent will work with area agencies in multiple scenarios as referenced in the Emergency Operation Plan.

d. Host a tabletop scenario run through for planning purposes with Police, Fire and Homeland Security